116 Bird Magnets
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Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 45'
Width: 15'-20'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Types: sand, silty clay, rocky
Fruit Color: blue
Fruit Type: cone
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Drought and heat tolerant. Berry-like cones add interest and attract birds in autumn.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0018-24" #7 Cont.: $79.0036-48"

Bebb's Oval Sedge
Carex bebbii
Category: Grasses, Rushes, & Sedges
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Comments: Clump-forming. Cool-season growth. A wonderful sedge for wetland restoration, lake shores, and rain gardens. An essential food source for many birds and waterfowl.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Saskatoon Serviceberry ref
Amelanchier alnifolia
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-10'
Width: 8'-10'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Edible Garden
Comments: Thicket-forming.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Regent Serviceberry
Amelanchier alnifolia 'Regent'
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 4'-6'
Width: 5'-6'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained loam, sand tolerant
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: blue, purple, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Upright branching habit. Drought tolerant. Sweet fruit.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $37.5018"

Inland Serviceberry out
Amelanchier interior
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 15'-30'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sandy loam
Bloom Period: April-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Edible Garden
Comments: Moderately shade tolerant.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.

Sand (Roundleaf) Serviceberry
Amelanchier sanguinea
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-8'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: sandy loam
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: red, purple
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Rounded habit. Blue-green leaves.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.506-12"

Running Serviceberry out
Amelanchier stolonifera
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 5'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: sandy loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: blue, purple
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Low, spreading habit.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Bearberry ref
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6"-1'
Width: 2'+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: acidic, sandy/loam
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: pink, white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Groundcover
Comments: Glossy, semi-evergreen foliage. Erosion control. Spreading groundcover habit.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Native Black Chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 5'
Width: 5'+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: peaty, sandy, rocky
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-October
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Local seed source: leaves are smaller & plant grows denser. Rhizomatous.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"
Glossy Black Chokeberry ref
Aronia melanocarpa 'Glossy Black'
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 4'-6'
Width: 4'+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-October
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Standard industry cultivar with glossy, dark green leaves and large berry clusters. Upright habit. Rhizomatous.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Cephalanthus occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-12'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: nutlet
Fall Color: yellow, brown
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden
Comments: Found along stream banks, swamps, low areas. Fragrant 'pin-cushion' shaped flowers. Fuzzy, button-like fruit.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Silky Dogwood
Cornus amomum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-12'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: blue
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow, maroon, bronze, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Flood & salt intolerant. Reddish-purple bark.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Gray Dogwood
Cornus racemosa
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-12'
Width: 6'-10'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: white
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Showy flower clusters. Upright branching habit. Colonizer. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Roundleaf Dogwood out
Cornus rugosa
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 8'-12'
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: well-drained, sandy, loamy, rocky
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white, cream
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: blue
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: magenta, red, yellow, maroon, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Colony forming by root suckers. Greenish-gray bark. Moderate shade tolerance. Slopes. Remains single stem in container until planted.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $30.0012-15" 2025

Red-Twigged Dogwood
Cornus sericea
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-12'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Bloom Period: May-August
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: white
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, yellow, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Flood tolerant. Common shrub of shorelines and wetlands. Red branches in late fall/winter and on new growth. White pith. Stems used for basket weaving and wreaths.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Eastern Wahoo out
Euonymus atropurpurea
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 12'-20'
Width: 15'-20'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: June
Flower Color: red, purple, maroon
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: magenta, red
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Showy fruit. Juglone tolerant.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $49.0012-18" #5 Cont.: $59.0024-36"

Ilex verticillata
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic (pH 4.5-6), well-drained, sandy, loam, clay
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: green, white, cream
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow, maroon
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Dioecious. Showy, poisonous fruit. Flood tolerant.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12" #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36" Male Winterberry #1 Cont.: $15.0012"+
Swamp Fly Honeysuckle ref
Lonicera oblongifolia
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 3'-4'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white, cream
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Hummingbird
Zone: 3
Comments: Colonizer. Coniferous bogs & swampy thickets. Yellow-tan winter bark.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.
Mountain Fly Honeysuckle ref
Lonicera villosa
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 2'-3'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: yellow, white, cream
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: blue
Fruit Type: berry
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3
Comments: Thick, blue-green leaves. Coniferous swamps & moist woods. 1/3" fruits. Rhizomatous.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Western Sandcherry ref
Prunus besseyi
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 4'-6'
Sun: part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: sandy, rocky, clay
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: blue, purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Hills, open plains, slopes, shores of western MN. Shiny, gray-green leaves. Abundant 3/4" fruit.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Eastern Sandcherry
Prunus pumila
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 4'-6'
Width: 4'-6'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Erect, upright habit. 3/4" fruit. Dark green leaves. Protect from rabbits until established. Suckering habit. Mix with prairie grasses & wildflowers.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $20.006-12"+spread #2 Cont.: $25.0012-15"spread SEPTEMBER

Fragrant Sumac
Rhus aromatica
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 5'-6'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained, sandy/gravelly loam
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Aromatic foliage. Found in oak openings & upland wood borders. Excellent for erosion control.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0036"+

Gro-Low Sumac
Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low'
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 1'-2'
Width: 6'-7'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Spreading habit. Fragrant, shiny green foliage. Excellent for massing/slopes. Clonal selection of R. aromatica.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"spread

Smooth Sumac
Rhus glabra
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-8'
Width: 10'-12'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Period: July-September
Fruit Color: red
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Comments: Long, compound leaves. Rhizomatous colonizer.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.7512-15"

Staghorn Sumac
Rhus typhina
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 10'-12'
Width: 10'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: green
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Comments: Densely pubescent twigs. Rhizomatous colonizer.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

American Black Currant
Ribes americanum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: yellow, white, cream
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Pasture (Prickly) Gooseberry out
Ribes cynosbati
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow, maroon, bronze, purple
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Open habit with thorns along branches & on fruit. Fragrant flowers. High wildlife value.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12"

Missouri Gooseberry
Ribes missouriensis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-June
Flower Color: green, white, cream
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: magenta, red, orange, yellow, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Very shade tolerant. Upright, arching branches w/ reddish-brown spines. Fragrant flowers. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12"

Carolina Rose out
Rosa carolina
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 6'-7'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: acidic, sand/loam
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: hip
Edible Parts: fruit, flowers
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-6
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Fragrant flowers. Rhizomatous colonizer.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" 2025

Highbush Blackberry
Rubus allegheniensis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Soil Types: sandy loam/clay
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous colonizer. Sharp thorns.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12"

Northern Raspberry
Rubus idaeus canadensis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Types: sandy/clay loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, yellow, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 4
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Long, arching canes. Colonizer. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.7512-15"

Black Raspberry out
Rubus occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-5'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Edible Garden
Comments: Canes will tip-root. Thorns. Tasty fruit.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.

Thimbleberry out
Rubus parviflorus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 4'-6'
Width: 3'+
Sun: part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: alkaline
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow, maroon, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Edible Garden
Comments: Thornless. Large leaves. Showy, 1.5" flowers. Rhizomatous.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Creeping Dewberry ref
Rubus spp.
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6"-1'
Width: 1'+
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Groundcover, Edible Garden
Comments: Deeply-cut, fernlike foliage. Excellent woodland groundcover. Info based on R. hispida.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Pussy Willow
Salix discolor
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 10'-12'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: clay, loam, sand
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: green, silver
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Dioecious. Upright form. Flood tolerant. Showy catkins. Found along lakeshores, swamps, and bogs.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12" #7 Cont.: $64.003' full

Prairie Willow
Salix humilis microphyllus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: full
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: March-May
Flower Color: yellow, green, purple, brown
Fruit Color: brown
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3
Comments: Showy catkins. Very dense branching habit. Dark green foliage.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $23.4512-15" #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

American Elder
Sambucus canadensis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-10'
Width: 8'-10'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: blue, purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit, flowers
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Flood tolerant. Adaptable. Fast growth. Rhizomatous. Excellent for pies, jams, and wine. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.006-12" #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Red-Berried Elder
Sambucus pubens
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 10'-12'
Width: 10'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white, cream
Fruit Period: June-August
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 4-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Flood intolerant. Fast growth rate. Found in mixed woodlands and ravines. 5" flower panicles. Bitter berries can be made into wine.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Silver Buffaloberry out
Shepherdia argentea
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-10'
Width: 8'-10'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Dioecious. Drought tolerant. Nitrogen fixer. Thicket-forming with ascending branch habit. Thorns. Found in western prairies and shrub-grassland communities. Silvery, green foliage. Berries can be made into jam.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" 2025

White Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 4'-5'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: clay, limestone, loam, sand
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: September-November
Fruit Color: white
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Moth, Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous. Flood intolerant. Blue-green foliage. High wildlife value. Self-fertile.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Symphoricarpos occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 4'-6'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: pink, white
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Color: white
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous. Upright habit. Fruit persists on stems into winter. Western prairies of MN.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Red Snowberry / Coralberry
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 4'-6'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam, tolerates most
Flower Color: green, white
Fruit Color: pink, magenta, red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-7
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous colonizer. Upright, arching habit. Native to southern MN. Fruit persists on stems into winter. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Common Lowbush Blueberry out
Vaccinium angustifolium
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 1'-2'
Width: 1'-2'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: sand, loam
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-September
Fruit Color: blue
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, maroon
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 2-3
Recommended: Groundcover, Edible Garden
Comments: Bell-shaped flowers. Flood tolerant.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.006-12" 2025

Arrowwood Viburnum
Viburnum dentatum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 6'-10'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, loam
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: magenta, red, orange, yellow, maroon
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 2-8
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Upright habit. Showy flowers & fruit clusters. Native range to Iowa (not MN). Hardy.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0036"

Nannyberry Viburnum
Viburnum lentago
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 12'-20'
Width: 8'-20'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam, tolerates most
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Upright habit. Flat-topped flower clusters.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0036"

Downy Arrowwood Viburnum
Viburnum rafinesquianum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-8'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Upright habit.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $59.0024-36"

American Highbush Cranberry
Viburnum trilobum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 6'-10'
Sun: full, part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam, organic peat
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: September-February
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, maroon
Wildlife: Beetle, Bird, Fly, Bee
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: AKA Viburnum opulus var. americanum. Dark green foliage. Flat-topped flower clusters. Fruit persists through winter. True type - not a hybrid cross!
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.7512"+

Speckled Alder
Alnus rugosa
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 15'-20'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: moderately acidic, heavy, loam
Bloom Period: March-May
Fruit Period: July-October
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Catkins. Attractive reddish-brown "cones" of small, flattened samaras. Clump-forming colonizer. Flood tolerant. Nitrogen fixer. Found along stream banks, low wet woods, and open floodplains.
Retail Pricing

Downy Serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-25'
Width: 10'-15'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: red, blue, purple, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Multi-stemmed tree occurring in rich woods, thickets, and hillsides of northeast and southeast MN. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4'

Allegheny Serviceberry
Amelanchier laevis
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-25'
Width: 10'-15'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: red, purple
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Large shrub or small, multi-stemmed tree. Rhizomatous. Found on moist hillsides and in cool, rich, deciduous woods. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.003-4' #5 Cont.: $52.004-6' #7 Cont.: $89.006'+ #15 Cont.: $189.008-12', 1.25"C Allegheny Serviceberry-Multi St #7 Cont.: $89.003-4' #25 Cont.: $375.00JUNE 2025

Apple Serviceberry ref
Amelanchier x grandiflora
Category: Deciduous Trees
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-25'
Width: 15'-25'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Types: well-drained loam
Bloom Period: April
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden

Northern Catalpa
Catalpa speciosa
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 40'-60'
Width: 20'-40'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most, clay
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow, brown, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-8
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden
Comments: Large, heart-shaped leaves. Showy, fragrant flowers. Interesting seed pods persist through winter. Medium-fast growth rate. Native range to Illinois (not MN).
Retail Pricing #15 Cont.: $195.001.25"C.

Celtis occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 50'-75'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: non-acidic, well-drained, sandy, silty, clay, loam, tolerates polluted
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red, purple, brown
Fruit Type: drupe
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Flood tolerant, tolerates most non-peat soils. Drought & wind tolerant. Deep-rooted. Long-lived. Disease resistant. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.0024-36" #10 Cont.: $189.006-10', 1"Cal.

Pagoda Dogwood
Cornus alternifolia
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 20'-25'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Grows as understory plant in moist woods. Interesting horizontal branching.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4'

Cockspur Hawthorn out
Crataegus crus-galli
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-30'
Width: 20'-30'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-6
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Deep green, glossy foliage. Drought tolerant. Good rust resistance. Wide-spreading, low-branched. Profuse flowers. Thorny branches. Native to Illinois.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Fleshy (Long-Thorned) Hawthorn ref
Crataegus macracantha
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 6'-20'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Edible Garden
Comments: Large thorns.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.
Downy Hawthorn ref
Crataegus mollis
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 25'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: fertile loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red, orange, yellow
Fruit Type: pome
Fall Color: red, yellow, maroon, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Comments: Good wildlife value.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Sweet Crabapple out
Malus coronaria
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-30'
Width: 20'-30'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, loam, sand, clay
Flower Color: pink, white
Fruit Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Attractive to wildlife & pollinators. Fragrant flowers. Native to southeast WI.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Prairie Crab
Malus ioensis
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, green, maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Prefers moist soil. Grows in open woods, rocky hillsides, pastures, and woodland margins. Fragrant flowers. Good wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.4512-36"

Red Mulberry ref
Morus rubra
Category: Deciduous Trees
Fruit Period: June-August
Fruit Color: red, purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Invasive white mulberry (Morus alba) genetics have hybridized with & caused a loss of native strains.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

American Sycamore
Platanus occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 75'-100'
Width: 50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: sandy, silty, loam, clay
Bloom Period: March-April
Flower Color: red, yellow, green, brown
Fruit Color: orange, brown
Fall Color: brown
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 5-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Fuzzy seed balls. Attractive, exfoliating bark. Large, maple-shaped leaves. Lowlands/floodplains. Fast growth. Pollution tolerant. Long-lived. Aggressive root system. Native to WI/IA.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $52.006-8'

American Plum
Prunus americana
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red, purple
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Drought tolerant. Globular form with horizontal branching habit. Thicket-forming. Found at forest edges, open oak woods, and rocky hillsides. Profuse flowers with strong sweet-spice fragrance.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.002/3 ft #5 Cont.: $52.004-6' American Plum - Multi-Stem #15 Cont.: $160.456'+

Pin Cherry (Fire Cherry)
Prunus pensylvanica
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Fragrant flowers. Ovoid to columnar form. Exfoliating, golden-tan to reddish-brown bark. Found along forest edge, open woods, and pastures. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.45

Wild Black Cherry
Prunus serotina
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 23'-30'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Flood intolerant. Columnar to ovoid form. Edge of woods, savanna, and alluvial bottomlands. Fragrant flowers. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #15 Cont.: $189.008-10', 1"Cal. 2025

Common Chokecherry
Prunus virginiana
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 12'-15'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam, tolerates most
Bloom Period: August-September
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Upright ovoid form. Attractive flower spikes in spring. Open woods, edge of forests, and open fields. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4'

Showy Mountain Ash
Sorbus decora
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 15'-25'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: pome
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Showy fruit & flowers. Not affected by Emerald Ash Borer. Ovoid form. Pinnately compound leaves. Good wildlife value; cedar waxwing favorite. Common in northeast MN. Single-stem & clump form available.
Retail Pricing #15 Cont.: $195.008-10', 1.25"C
Prickly Ash out
Zanthoxylum americanum
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 10'-35'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Irregular-obovoid form. Sharp thorns. Forest edge, open woods, and savannas. Forms extensive colonies. Szechuan pepper cousin. High wildlife value.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.

American Bittersweet
Celastrus scandens
Category: Vines
Height: 3'-35'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: green, white
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Color: orange, yellow
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Showy fruit clusters of 3-part, berry-like capsules; poisonous. Dioecious. Climbs by twining. Salt tolerant. Excellent for floral arrangements.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.00
Red Vine Honeysuckle
Lonicera dioica
Category: Vines
Height: 5'-10'
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates rocky
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: red
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: berry
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Groundcover
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $29.00

Yellow Vine Honeysuckle
Lonicera prolifera
Category: Vines
Height: 10'-15'
Width: 4'-8'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: yellow, cream
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: berry
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4
Recommended: Groundcover
Comments: AKA Lonicera reticulata. Vigorous, mat-forming, blue-green leaves. Found in light oak woods, ravines, bluffs, rocky banks. SE MN.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $29.00
Parthenocissus inserta
Category: Vines
Height: 12'-20'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: part, shade
Water Use: medium
Flower Color: green
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Uses tendrils to climb. Flood tolerant. Human-poisonous fruit relished by birds.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $18.00

Virginia Creeper ref
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Category: Vines
Height: 50'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: clay, sandy, rocky, limestone
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: green
Fruit Period: September
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Flood tolerant. Trailing or climbing habit with suction discs & aerial tendrils/rootlets. Ravines & bluffs. Poisonous fruit.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Riverbank Grape
Vitis riparia
Category: Vines
Height: 35'-75'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: May-June
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: blue, purple
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Flood tolerant. Vigorous climber. Forked tendrils. River banks, wooded bottomlands, wet ravines, and rich woods. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.00

Fragrant Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 1'-2'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: purple, violet, lavender
Edible Parts: leaves
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Glossy, dark green foliage. Anise-scented flowers & foliage. Loved by bumblebees, hummingbirds, finches, and butterflies.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-3'
Width: 1'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: red, yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 3-4
Comments: Lobed foliage. Found in most woodlands.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $6.50 #1 Cont.: $9.95

Marsh/Red Milkweed
Asclepias incarnata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: July
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Butterfly, Beetle, Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Fragrant Garden
Comments: Attractive seed pods in fall. Found at edge of marshes.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Common Milkweed
Asclepias syriaca
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-6'
Width: 1'+
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Moth, Beetle, Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Fragrant Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous. Readily reseeds.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

White Indigo
Baptisia alba
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 4'
Width: 2'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: green, black
Fruit Type: pod
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4
Recommended: Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Great for borders or massing. Winter interest. SE MN native.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $12.95 4" Cont.: $12.95

Blue Indigo
Baptisia australis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 3'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: blue, violet
Fruit Color: green, black
Fruit Type: pod
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Blue-green foliage. Excellent as specimen or for massing. Winter interest. Long-lived. WI native.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $9.95

Downy Wood Mint out
Blephilia ciliata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'
Width: 10"-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: purple, lavender
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Pollinator magnet. Fragrant foliage. Native to WI.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.

Hairy Wood Mint
Blephilia hirsuta
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'4"-2'6"
Width: 1'+
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: June-September
Flower Color: purple, white
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Rhizomatous. Pollinator magnet. Fragrant foliage. Woodlands.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

White Turtlehead
Chelone glabra
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: organic
Bloom Period: August-September
Flower Color: white, cream
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-7
Comments: Sturdy stems; pairs well with Lobelia spp.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Lance-leaf Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'6"-3'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sandy, rocky, poor
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Comments: Long bloom period.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Narrow-leaved Coneflower
Echinacea angustifolia
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 1'-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: pink
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Pale Purple Coneflower
Echinacea pallida
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 1'-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: pink
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 4-5
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Purple Coneflower ref
Echinacea purpurea
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 1'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sand, loam
Bloom Period: August-September
Flower Color: pink
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Comments: Native to WI.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.
Maximilian's Sunflower
Helianthus maximiliani
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 7'
Width: 3'-4'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: August-September
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Moth, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Showy flowers. Rhizomatous spread.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Western Sunflower out
Helianthus occidentalis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 1'+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates sand, limestone, rocks
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Comments: A less-aggressive sunflower. Rhizomatous.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Stiff Sunflower
Helianthus pauciflorus
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-6'
Width: 1'6"+
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates clay, sand, gravel
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Comments: Rhizomatous.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Halberdleaf Rosemallow
Hibiscus laevis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-5'
Width: 2'-3'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: pink, white
Wildlife: Bird, Hummingbird
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Large, showy flowers.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $9.95

Northern Blue Flag Iris
Iris versicolor
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 1'+
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: average
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: blue, lavender
Wildlife: Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 3
Comments: Stiff, swordlike leaves. Clumps suitable for massing. Tolerates standing water to 12" deep.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95
Dense (Marsh) Blazingstar
Liatris spicata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-5'
Width: 1'-2'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: pink, magenta, purple
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Comments: Native to WI.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Michigan Lily
Lilium michiganense
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 4'-5'
Width: 1'6"+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: organic
Bloom Period: July
Flower Color: orange
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Comments: Nodding flowers. Excellent for moist garden areas. Rhizomatous.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $15.00

Cardinal Flower
Lobelia cardinalis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 8"-1'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: rich loam
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: red
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 3-5
Comments: Shallow roots need to be kept moist.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Great Blue Lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-3'
Width: 1'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: August-October
Flower Color: blue, purple
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird
Zone: 4-5
Comments: Tubular flowers. Readily reseeds.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Wild Lupine
Lupinus perennis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-2'
Width: 1'-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: blue, purple
Fruit Color: yellow, black
Fruit Type: pod
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Comments: Larval host of the federally-endangered Karner Blue Butterfly.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $9.95

Bee Balm/Wild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 1'6"+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: pink, lavender
Edible Parts: leaves, flowers
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Fragrant foliage. Rhizomatous.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Dotted Mint/Spotted Bee Balm
Monarda punctata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'6"-3'
Width: 1'+
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: yellow, maroon, lavender
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Fragrant foliage. Showy magenta-white bracts.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Glade Mallow
Napaea dioica
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 1'6"-2'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: green, brown, black
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Hummingbird
Comments: Dioecious. Large (12"+) leaves add textural interest.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $12.95

Foxglove Penstemon
Penstemon digitalis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 1'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: sandy
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white
Fall Color: red, green, maroon
Wildlife: Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 4-5
Comments: Moist, open woods & prairies of eastern MN.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95
Slender Penstemon
Penstemon gracilis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'
Width: 1'-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: purple, violet
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-6
Comments: Drought tolerant.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $9.95

Showy Penstemon/Beardtounge out
Penstemon grandiflorus
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sand, sandy loam
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: pink, lavender
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4-5
Comments: Large, showy, 2" tubular flowers. Waxy, blue-green leaves.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Purple Prairie Clover
Petalostemon purpureum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-2'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sand, loam
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: pink, magenta, purple
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Zone: 4-5
Comments: Nitrogen-fixing taproot.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $9.95

False Dragonhead / Obedient Plant
Physostegia virginiana
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 2'+
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: June-September
Flower Color: pink
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-4
Comments: Tubular flowers. Rhizomatous. Spreads rapidly in moist soil. Excellent for shoreline color.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Yellow (Gray) Headed Coneflower
Ratibida pinnata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-7'
Width: 1'6"
Sun: full, part
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates clay
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: July-September
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 4-7
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95
Brown-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia triloba
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-5'
Width: 1'-3'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: August-October
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Short-lived perennial or biennial. Freely reseeds. Excellent cut flower.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Wild Petunia
Ruellia humilis
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-1'3"
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: June-September
Flower Color: violet, lavender
Fall Color: yellow, maroon
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4-5
Comments: SE MN native. Excellent border plant.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Early Figwort
Scrophularia lanceolata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-6'
Width: 1'-2'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: pink, orange, green
Fall Color: green, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Rabbit Resistant
Comments: High pollinator value. Heavy nectar production.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $12.95

Late Figwort
Scrophularia marilandica
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-10'
Width: 1'6"-2'
Sun: full, part, shade
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: red, green, maroon
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Ant, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: High wildlife value. High nectar production.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $12.95

Royal Catchfly
Silene regia
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: red
Wildlife: Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 4-5
Comments: Sturdy stems. Sticky calyx can trap/catch small insects. Native to IL.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Compass Plant
Silphium laciniatum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 5'-8'
Width: 2'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 4
Comments: Basal leaves orient with sun. 2-4" flowers. Long-lived. Taproot.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Cup Plant
Silphium perfoliatum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 6'-8'
Width: 2'+
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, loam
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4
Comments: Perfoliate leaves form "cups" that collect water. Favorite of goldfinches, bees, & chipmunks. Freely reseeds. Not suitable for small gardens.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $15.00CALL

Stiff Goldenrod
Solidago rigida
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 4'
Width: 2'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: August-October
Flower Color: yellow
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow, maroon
Wildlife: Butterfly, Beetle, Bird, Bee, Wasp, Bumblebee
Comments: Large, rough-textured basal leaves.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Blue Vervain
Verbena hastata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: blue, purple
Fall Color: maroon, purple
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Hummingbird
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Hoary Vervain out
Verbena stricta
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 1'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: blue, purple, lavender
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Hummingbird
Zone: 4-5
Comments: Sturdy stems. Fuzzy leaves.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95