59 Deciduous Trees
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Red Maple
Acer rubrum
Height: 60'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: pink, magenta, red, yellow
Fruit Period: May-June
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: red, orange
Zone: 3-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Dioecious. Ascending branch pattern. Gray to red twigs in winter. Grows in swamps or moist woods. Found in northeast and southeast MN. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' 2025 #15 Cont.: $195.008-12', 1.25"C August #25 Cont.: $279.001.5"Cal.

Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 40'-60'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: March-April
Flower Color: red
Fruit Period: May-June
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Dioecious. Fast growth rate. Very wide, open canopy. Flood tolerant. Found in flood plains and along lakeshores.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.004'+ #7 Cont.: $68.006-8', 1"Cal. 2025 #15 Cont.: $159.008-12', 1.25"C

Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum
Height: 60'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, loamy, sandy over clay
Bloom Period: April-June
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: August-October
Fruit Type: samara
Edible Parts: sap
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Edible Garden
Comments: Dark green foliage. Upright oval to rounded form. Fairly shade tolerant. Flood intolerant. Fire sensitive. Protect from wind. Sap is source of maple syrup. Very high wildlife value. One of Minnesota's finest over story trees.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $34.004'+ June #5 Cont.: $89.006'+ July #15 Cont.: $195.008-12', 1.25"C August

Black Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum nigrum
Height: 60'-75'
Width: 40'-60'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained, calciferous
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Type: samara
Edible Parts: sap
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Zone: 4-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Edible Garden
Comments: Shade tolerant. Common on floodplains; moderate flood tolerance. More drought/heat tolerant than standard species.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.0036"

Mountain Maple
Acer spicatum
Height: 20'-30'
Width: 15'-25'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic, cool, rocky, gravelly, loam
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: magenta, red
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: red, orange
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Irregular, upright form. Understory shrub or small tree. Shade tolerant. Flood intolerant. Slopes, rich woods, & lakeshores. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $34.0036" #10 Cont.: $110.005'

Autumn Blaze Maple
Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred'
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 30'-40'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: green
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: red, orange
Zone: 3-8
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Tolerates most soils. Fast growth. Cross between native Silver & Red maples.

Speckled Alder
Alnus rugosa
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 15'-20'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: moderately acidic, heavy, loam
Bloom Period: March-May
Fruit Period: July-October
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Catkins. Attractive reddish-brown "cones" of small, flattened samaras. Clump-forming colonizer. Flood tolerant. Nitrogen fixer. Found along stream banks, low wet woods, and open floodplains.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0018-24" 2025

Downy Serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea
Height: 15'-25'
Width: 10'-15'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: red, blue, purple, black
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Multi-stemmed tree occurring in rich woods, thickets, and hillsides of northeast and southeast MN. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' August

Allegheny Serviceberry
Amelanchier laevis
Height: 15'-25'
Width: 10'-15'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: red, purple
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Large shrub or small, multi-stemmed tree. Rhizomatous. Found on moist hillsides and in cool, rich, deciduous woods. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $89.006'+ August #15 Cont.: $189.008-12', 1.25"C Allegheny Serviceberry-Multi Stem #5 Cont.: $89.00 #25 Cont.: $375.00June '25

Apple Serviceberry ref
Amelanchier x grandiflora
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'
Height: 15'-25'
Width: 15'-25'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Types: well-drained loam
Bloom Period: April
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden

Yellow Birch
Betula alleghaniensis
Height: 60'-70'
Width: 30'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Types: sandy, loam, rocky/peat tolerant
Bloom Period: May-June
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Catkins. Scratching young twigs gives wintergreen odor. Shade tolerant. Fire sensitive. Found in cool, moist woods in northern MN. Important timber tree. Yellowish-bronze, exfoliating bark. Resistant to birch borer. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $32.003-4' July #15 Cont.: $189.0010-12', 1.25"
Bog Birch
Betula glandulifera
Height: 6'-9'
Width: 5'-9'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: basic to moderately acidic
Bloom Period: April-May
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: red
Zone: 2-4
Comments: Fine-textured, shrubby species with small, thick leaves. Cone-like catkins. Wetlands, fens, sedge meadows, marshes, and at edge of conifer swamps. Grows taller on higher ground. Non-clonal colonizer. Flood tolerant. Aka Betula pumila var. glandulifera.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $64.0030-36"

River Birch
Betula nigra
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 35'-40'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-May
Fruit Period: May-June
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 4-8
Comments: Catkins. Cinnamon-colored, exfoliating bark. Single or multi-stemmed form. Resistant to bronze birch borer. Survives dry summer/fall seasons. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #10 Cont.: $134.456-8' 2025 River Birch (S.Stem) #2 Cont.: $28.004'+ #7 Cont.: $74.456'+, 1"Cal. #15 Cont.: $134.4510-12', 1.25" August

Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 35'-40'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Types: acidic, rocky/gravelly/sandy, loam, shallow peat tolerant
Bloom Period: April-June
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Catkins. White exfoliating bark. Shade intolerant. Drought intolerant. Grows on north and east facing slopes in southeastern MN; most prevalent in north. Single or multi-stemmed form.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.004'+ July #5 Cont.: $64.006'+ #10 Cont.: $159.0010'+, 1.25"C

Blue Beech (Musclewood)
Carpinus caroliniana
Height: 20'-30'
Width: 20'-30'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: fine loam
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: red, green
Fruit Type: nutlet
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Zone: 2-8
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Catkins. Smooth, gray bark with "muscle" texture. Great understory tree; very shade tolerant.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' August #15 Cont.: $189.008-10', 1.25"C

Bitternut Hickory
Carya cordiformis
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 50'-75'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: deep, nutrient-rich loam, sandy clay
Bloom Period: May-June
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 2-7
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Catkins. Bright yellow buds. Bitter nuts in leathery husks eaten by wildlife. Moderate flood & drought tolerance. Fire sensitive. Ascending, picturesque branching habit. Grows in moist woods, stream banks, and rolling uplands.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.456-9"
Shagbark Hickory
Carya ovata
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 25'-35'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sandy, rocky, loam, clay
Bloom Period: May-June
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Type: nut
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow, bronze
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Catkins. Shaggy, exfoliating bark. Long-lived. Slow growing. Drought tolerant. Shade tolerant. Fire sensitive. Flood intolerant. Edible nut in woody husk. Native to southeastern MN.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $25.006"

Northern Catalpa
Catalpa speciosa
Height: 40'-60'
Width: 20'-40'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most, clay
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow, brown, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-8
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden
Comments: Large, heart-shaped leaves. Showy, fragrant flowers. Interesting seed pods persist through winter. Medium-fast growth rate. Native range to Illinois (not MN).
Retail Pricing #15 Cont.: $195.001.25"Cal. July

Celtis occidentalis
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 50'-75'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: non-acidic, well-drained, sandy, silty, clay, loam, tolerates polluted
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red, purple, brown
Fruit Type: drupe
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Flood tolerant, tolerates most non-peat soils. Drought & wind tolerant. Deep-rooted. Long-lived. Disease resistant. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.0024-36" #15 Cont.: $189.008-12', 1.25"C #10 Cont.: $189.008-10', 1"Cal. #25 Cont.: $237.001.5"Cal.

Redbud (MN Strain)
Cercis canadensis
Height: 20'-30'
Width: 25'-35'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Flower Color: pink, magenta
Fall Color: yellow
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Showy flowers. Heart-shaped leaves. Requires protection from winter winds. MN hardy seed strain.
Retail Pricing #15 Cont.: $189.008-12', 1.25"C August Redbud (MN Strain) - Multi-Stem #20 Cont.: $375.008'+ August

Pagoda Dogwood
Cornus alternifolia
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 20'-25'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Grows as understory plant in moist woods. Interesting horizontal branching.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003'+ July #7 Cont.: $110.004-6' 2025

Cockspur Hawthorn out
Crataegus crus-galli
Height: 20'-30'
Width: 20'-30'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-6
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Deep green, glossy foliage. Drought tolerant. Good rust resistance. Wide-spreading, low-branched. Profuse flowers. Thorny branches. Native to Illinois.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Fleshy (Long-Thorned) Hawthorn ref
Crataegus macracantha
Height: 6'-20'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Edible Garden
Comments: Large thorns.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.
Downy Hawthorn ref
Crataegus mollis
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 25'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: fertile loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red, orange, yellow
Fruit Type: pome
Fall Color: red, yellow, maroon, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Comments: Good wildlife value.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Green Ash ref
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Fall Color: yellow, bronze
Comments: Susceptible to the invasive Emerald Ash Borer. A great loss.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.
Blue Ash ref
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 35'-60'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Fall Color: yellow
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Kentucky Coffeetree
Gymnocladus dioicus
Height: 60'-75'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: rich, tolerates most
Fruit Color: yellow, green, black
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 4-6
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Dioecious. Does not fix nitrogen. Grows on river bottoms; locally, in Mississippi River Valley and Minnesota River Valley southward. 4-8" pods with large seeds.
Retail Pricing #15 Cont.: $189.008', 1.25"C August

Juglans cinerea
Height: 40'-60'
Width: 30'-50'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: sandy, silty, loam
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Color: yellow
Fruit Type: nut
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow, brown, bronze
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Grows in river bottoms and rich woods. Gray bark.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0036"

Black Walnut
Juglans nigra
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 50'-75'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, deep, loam
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Color: green, brown
Fruit Type: nut
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Drought tolerant. Prized timber wood.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $52.003-4' #15 Cont.: $160.458', 1.25"C September

Sweet Crabapple out
Malus coronaria
Height: 15'-30'
Width: 20'-30'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, loam, sand, clay
Flower Color: pink, white
Fruit Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow, bronze
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Attractive to wildlife & pollinators. Fragrant flowers. Native to southeast WI.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Prairie Crab
Malus ioensis
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: pome
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, green, maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Prefers moist soil. Grows in open woods, rocky hillsides, pastures, and woodland margins. Fragrant flowers. Good wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.4512"+

Red Mulberry ref
Morus rubra
Fruit Period: June-August
Fruit Color: red, purple, black
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Recommended: Edible Garden
Comments: Invasive white mulberry (Morus alba) genetics have hybridized with & caused a loss of native strains.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Ostrya virginiana
Height: 35'-50'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full, part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: red, green, brown
Fruit Color: green, white, brown, cream
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Showy catkins. Flood tolerant. Persistent leaves in winter. Grows on upland slopes, ravines, and coves of deciduous woods.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' June #5 Cont.: $89.006'+ #15 Cont.: $189.008-10', 1.25" August #25 Cont.: $325.0010-12', 1.5"C June '25

American Sycamore
Platanus occidentalis
Height: 75'-100'
Width: 50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: sandy, silty, loam, clay
Bloom Period: March-April
Flower Color: red, yellow, green, brown
Fruit Color: orange, brown
Fall Color: brown
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 5-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Fuzzy seed balls. Attractive, exfoliating bark. Large, maple-shaped leaves. Lowlands/floodplains. Fast growth. Pollution tolerant. Long-lived. Aggressive root system. Native to WI/IA.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $89.006'+, 1"Cal. 2025 #15 Cont.: $195.008-10', 1.25"C July '25

Balsam Poplar
Populus balsamifera
Height: 60'-70'
Width: 30'-35'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Bloom Period: April-May
Fall Color: orange, yellow, bronze
Zone: 2-7
Recommended: Fragrant Garden
Comments: Fast growth. Colony-forming. Glossy green leaves. Buds covered with fragrant, sticky sap. Found along streams, swamps, and upland slopes. Common in coniferous forests and around Midwest.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.453-4'

Populus deltoides
Height: 75'-100'
Width: 75'-100'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: March-April
Flower Color: red, green
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-7
Comments: Dioecious. Cottony seeds. Drought tolerant. Our majestic tree of river bottoms and lakeshore forests. High wildlife value. This is the real deal, with seeds and all to spread its progeny where the four winds take them.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $19.003-4' #5 Cont.: $45.008", 1"Cal.

Bigtooth Aspen
Populus grandidentata
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 20'-40'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: sand, loam
Bloom Period: April-May
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-5
Comments: Catkins. Flood intolerant. Colonizer. Larger leaves than Quaking Aspen. Common in mixed woods and rich, mesic upland soils. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.004-5' June #7 Cont.: $89.006'+ June #15 Cont.: $189.008-10', 1.25"C

Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides
Height: 40'-50'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 2-5
Comments: Leaves tremble in slight breeze. Flood intolerant. Upright, columnar form. Forms extensive colonies. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #7 Cont.: $89.006'+ #10 Cont.: $149.008-10', 1"Cal. July '25

American Plum
Prunus americana
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red, purple
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Drought tolerant. Globular form with horizontal branching habit. Thicket-forming. Found at forest edges, open oak woods, and rocky hillsides. Profuse flowers with strong sweet-spice fragrance.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.002-3' 2025 #5 Cont.: $64.005-6' September American Plum Clump #15 Cont.: $160.456'+

Pin Cherry (Fire Cherry)
Prunus pensylvanica
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-August
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Fragrant flowers. Ovoid to columnar form. Exfoliating, golden-tan to reddish-brown bark. Found along forest edge, open woods, and pastures. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $28.00

Wild Black Cherry
Prunus serotina
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 23'-30'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Flood intolerant. Columnar to ovoid form. Edge of woods, savanna, and alluvial bottomlands. Fragrant flowers. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003'+ #7 Cont.: $89.006-8' #15 Cont.: $189.0010', 1.25"Cal 2025

Common Chokecherry
Prunus virginiana
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 12'-15'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam, tolerates most
Bloom Period: August-September
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: purple, black
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Upright ovoid form. Attractive flower spikes in spring. Open woods, edge of forests, and open fields. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' June

Wafer Ash ref
Ptelea trifoliata
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sand, loam, rocky/gravelly tolerant
Bloom Period: June
Flower Color: green, white
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Flood intolerant. Good wildlife value.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

White Oak
Quercus alba
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 60'-80'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: non-alkaline, tolerates most
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: red, maroon
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Uplands. Persistent leaves in winter. Extremely sensitive to soil compaction. Salt resistant. Fire intolerant. Taproot. Very long-lived. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #15 Cont.: $195.008', 1.25"C

Swamp White Oak
Quercus bicolor
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 50'-60'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic required, tolerates most
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Exfoliating bark. Persistent leaves in winter. Fibrous root system. Salt resistant. Soil compaction resistant. Flood tolerant. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $195.008-12', 1.25"C July

Northern Pin Oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Height: 50'-75'
Width: 35'-55'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium
Soil Types: well-drained, loam, tolerates most
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: red
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Shade Tree
Comments: Persistent leaves in winter. Shade and flood intolerant. Ovoid canopy. Found in uplands and savannas. Taproot. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $189.008', 1.25"Cal.

Bur Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 60'-80'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Types: sandy loam, clay pan
Flower Color: green
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Catkins. Acorns with fringed caps. Globular canopy form. Found in prairies, savannas, and upland forests in the Twin Cities. Taproot. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' August #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ July #15 Cont.: $195.001.25"C #25 Cont.: $375.001.5"C June

Chinquapin (Chinkapin) Oak
Quercus muehlenbergii
Height: 40'-60'
Width: 50'-70'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: well-drained, rocky, fertile loam
Bloom Period: April
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: nut
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, yellow, brown
Recommended: Shade Tree, Edible Garden
Comments: Drought tolerant. Long-lived. Interesting leaf shape. Very high wildlife value. Sweet acorns.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4'

Red Oak
Quercus rubra
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, sandy, loam
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: red
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree
Comments: Fast growth rate. Ovoid to globular form. Very high wildlife value. Do not prune in May-June.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' August #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $195.008-10', 1.25"C

Black Oak
Quercus velutina
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 50'-60'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Types: acidic, well-drained, poor
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: red, yellow, maroon
Comments: Juglone tolerant. Deep taproot. Very high wildlife value.

Peachleaf Willow
Salix amygdaloides
Height: 35'-50'
Width: 35'-50'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet
Soil Types: loam
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-5
Comments: Large understory tree with upright, ascending branches. 1" catkins. Found along streams and lake margins. Flood tolerant. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.004'+

Bebb's Willow
Salix bebbiana
Height: 10'-20'
Width: 6'-10'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: sand/clay tolerant
Fall Color: yellow, green, brown
Zone: 2-5
Comments: Catkins. Medium growth rate. Shrub or small tree with attractive, deep green foliage. One of the best "diamond" willows.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.4512-36" Spring '25

Black Willow
Salix nigra
Height: 35'-50'
Width: 20'-35'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Fall Color: yellow, green
Zone: 3-8
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement
Comments: Catkins. Open, ascending growth habit. Dark brown-black, deeply furrowed bark. Flood tolerant. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.006'+ #5 Cont.: $52.004-6'

Showy Mountain Ash
Sorbus decora
Height: 20'-35'
Width: 15'-25'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: pome
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Showy fruit & flowers. Not affected by Emerald Ash Borer. Ovoid form. Pinnately compound leaves. Good wildlife value; cedar waxwing favorite. Common in northeast MN. Single-stem & clump form available.
Retail Pricing #15 Cont.: $195.008-10', 1.25"C August

American Basswood
Tilia americana
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 30'-40'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: yellow, cream
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bee
Zone: 3-6
Recommended: Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Fragrant Garden
Comments: Clump-forming. Ovoid form. Shade tolerant. Flood intolerant. Fragrant flower clusters.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.004'+ 2025 #7 Cont.: $74.458', 1"Cal. 2025 #20 Cont.: $225.0012', 1.5"Cal. July
St. Croix American Elm
Ulmus americana 'St. Croix'
Height: 60'-75'
Width: 70'-90'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Fall Color: yellow
Comments: Drought tolerant. Dutch Elm Disease resistance. High wildlife value. Local selection from Afton, MN.
Retail Pricing #7 Cont.: $74.008', 1"Cal. #15 Cont.: $189.0010'+, 1.25"C.
Red Elm low
Ulmus rubra
Height: 36'-60'
Width: 36'-60'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Fall Color: yellow
Comments: found along riverbanks & bottom lands.
LOW STOCK! Hurry before they're gone!
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.0036"+
Prickly Ash out
Zanthoxylum americanum
Height: 10'-35'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Irregular-obovoid form. Sharp thorns. Forest edge, open woods, and savannas. Forms extensive colonies. Szechuan pepper cousin. High wildlife value.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.