3 Deer Magnets
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Canada Yew
Taxus canadensis
Category: Evergreen Shrubs
Height: 1'-5'
Width: 8'
Sun: full, part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: aril
Wildlife: Deer
Comments: Toxic foliage. Browsed by deer. Rare in the nursery trade.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $29.009-12"

New Jersey Tea
Ceanothus americanus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 3'-5'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sandy/gravelly loam/clay
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: orange, black
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: leaves
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bee, Deer, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Erect habit. Fruit is 3-lobed capsule; interesting seedheads. Nitrogen fixer. Drought tolerant. Fire resistant. Protect from rabbits when young. Leaves can be made into tea.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $15.00July #1 Cont.: $15.006-12"

Red Root / Inland Tea
Ceanothus ovatus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'
Width: 1'6"-3'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: June-July
Fruit Color: orange, black
Fruit Type: drupe
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bee, Deer, Bumblebee
Recommended: Ornamental Garden
Comments: Fruit is 3-lobed capsule. Nitrogen fixer. Protect from deer.