54 Fragrant Garden Selections
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Evergreen Shrubs
Species Photo Common Name Scientific Name Height Width Sun Water Use Moisture Bloom Period Flower Color Fruit Period Fruit Color Fruit Type Edible Parts Fall Color Wildlife Zone Recommended
Common Juniper Juniperus communis depressa 2'-5' 10'-20' full Low Dry May-June Blue cone fruit Bronze 3-4 Fragrant Garden
Common Juniper 'Blueberry Delight' ref Juniperus communis depressa 'AmiDak' 1'-2' 4' full Blue cone fruit Fragrant Garden
Spreading Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 6"-8" 6'-12' full part Medium to Low Blue cone fruit Blue Purple 2-4 Fragrant Garden Groundcover
Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Species Photo Common Name Scientific Name Height Width Sun Water Use Moisture Bloom Period Flower Color Fruit Period Fruit Color Fruit Type Edible Parts Fall Color Wildlife Zone Recommended
Balsam Fir Abies balsamea 50' 20' full part shade Medium Wet to Mesic May-June cone 2-4 Fragrant Garden
Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 45' 15'-20' full Medium to Low Blue cone fruit Maroon Purple Bird 3-7 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden
Northern White Cedar Thuja occidentalis 45'-60' 10'-12' full part Wet-Mesic cone 2-4 Buckthorn Replacement Fragrant Garden
Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 55'-60' 30'-35' full part shade Medium Wet-Mesic to Mesic cone 3-4 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden
Grasses, Rushes, & Sedges
Species Photo Common Name Scientific Name Height Width Sun Water Use Moisture Bloom Period Flower Color Fruit Period Fruit Color Fruit Type Edible Parts Fall Color Wildlife Zone Recommended
Sweet Grass out Hierochloe odorata 1'-2' full Wet to Wet-Mesic 3-7 Fragrant Garden
Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis 2'-4' 2' full part Mesic to Dry seeds Butterfly 3-5 Fragrant Garden
Deciduous Shrubs
Species Photo Common Name Scientific Name Height Width Sun Water Use Moisture Bloom Period Flower Color Fruit Period Fruit Color Fruit Type Edible Parts Fall Color Wildlife Zone Recommended
False Indigo Amorpha fruticosa 8'-10' 10'-12' full part High to Low Wet-Mesic April-July Purple Violet August-September Brown pod Yellow Butterfly Bee 3-5 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden
Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis 6'-12' 6'-12' full part High to Medium Wet to Mesic June-August White Brown nutlet Yellow Brown Bird Bee 4-5 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden
Sweet Fern Comptonia peregrina 2'-3' 4'+ full part Wet-Mesic to Dry Green Brown nutlet leaves Red Yellow Brown 2-4 Fragrant Garden
Wintergreen ref Gaultheria procumbens 6" 6"+ part shade Wet-Mesic to Mesic May-August White Red berry Red 3-4 Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden Groundcover
Labrador Tea ref Ledum groenlandicum 3' 3'+ full Wet to Wet-Mesic May-June White leaves Maroon Purple Bee Bumblebee 2-4 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden
Western Sandcherry ref Prunus besseyi 2'-4' 4'-6' part Medium Mesic April-May White July-August Blue Purple Black berry fruit Red Maroon Purple Bird Bee 2-4 Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Eastern Sandcherry Prunus pumila 4'-6' 4'-6' full part Medium to Low May-June White August Purple Black berry fruit Red Bird 3-4 Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Fragrant Sumac Rhus aromatica 5'-6' 6'-8' full part Medium to Low Mesic to Dry May Yellow Red berry Red Butterfly Bird 4-5 Deer Resistant Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Gro-Low Sumac Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' 1'-2' 6'-7' full part Medium to Low Mesic to Dry May Yellow Red berry Red Orange Butterfly Bird 4-5 Deer Resistant Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Pasture (Prickly) Gooseberry out Ribes cynosbati 3'-6' 3'-6' full part Medium July-August White July-August Purple Black berry fruit Yellow Maroon Bronze Purple Bird Bee Bumblebee 3-5 Buckthorn Replacement Fragrant Garden
Missouri Gooseberry Ribes missouriensis 3'-6' 3'-6' full part shade Medium to Low Mesic to Dry April-June Green White Cream July-August Purple Black berry fruit Magenta Red Orange Yellow Maroon Purple Bird Bee Bumblebee 3-5 Buckthorn Replacement Fragrant Garden
Meadow Rose Rosa blanda 3'-6' 6'-8' full part Medium to Low Mesic to Dry June-July Pink July-September Red hip fruit, flowers Red Butterfly Bee Bumblebee 3-4 Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Carolina Rose Rosa carolina 2'-3' 6'-7' full part Low Wet-Mesic to Dry May-June Pink Red hip fruit, flowers Red Orange Yellow Butterfly Bird Bee Bumblebee 3-6 Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Swamp Rose Rosa palustris 5'-8' 5'-8' full part High to Medium Wet-Mesic June-July Pink Red Orange hip fruit, flowers Red Butterfly Bee Bumblebee 3-5 Deer Resistant Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Prairie Rose Rosa setigera 6'-10' 8'-10' full Mesic Pink Red Orange hip fruit, flowers Red Orange Butterfly Bee Bumblebee Deer Resistant Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Deciduous Trees
Species Photo Common Name Scientific Name Height Width Sun Water Use Moisture Bloom Period Flower Color Fruit Period Fruit Color Fruit Type Edible Parts Fall Color Wildlife Zone Recommended
Northern Catalpa Catalpa speciosa 40'-60' 20'-40' full part Wet-Mesic to Dry White Brown pod Yellow Brown Bronze Bird 4-8 Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Sweet Crabapple out Malus coronaria 15'-30' 20'-30' full part Medium Wet-Mesic Pink White Yellow Green pome fruit Red Orange Yellow Bronze Bird 4-7 Fragrant Garden
Prairie Crab Malus ioensis 20'-35' 20'-35' full Low Wet-Mesic to Dry Pink Yellow Green pome fruit Red Green Maroon Bird 4-5 Fragrant Garden
Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera 60'-70' 30'-35' full Wet-Mesic April-May Orange Yellow Bronze 2-7 Fragrant Garden
American Plum Prunus americana 20'-35' 20'-35' full Medium Mesic White August-September Red Purple drupe fruit Red Orange Yellow Bird Bee 3-7 Buckthorn Replacement Fragrant Garden
Pin Cherry (Fire Cherry) Prunus pensylvanica 20'-35' 10'-20' full High to Medium Wet-Mesic to Mesic-Dry May-June White July-August Red drupe fruit Red Orange Bird 2 Buckthorn Replacement Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden
Wild Black Cherry Prunus serotina 50'-60' 23'-30' full part High to Low Wet-Mesic to Dry White August-September Black drupe fruit Orange Yellow Bird 3-7 Deer Resistant Buckthorn Replacement Shade Tree Fragrant Garden
Common Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 20'-35' 12'-15' full part Medium to Low Wet-Mesic to Dry August-September White Purple Black drupe fruit Orange Yellow Bird 2-5 Buckthorn Replacement Fragrant Garden
American Basswood Tilia americana 50'-60' 30'-40' full part High to Medium Wet-Mesic to Mesic June-August Yellow Cream Yellow Bee 3-6 Buckthorn Replacement Shade Tree Fragrant Garden
Species Photo Common Name Scientific Name Height Width Sun Water Use Moisture Bloom Period Flower Color Fruit Period Fruit Color Fruit Type Edible Parts Fall Color Wildlife Zone Recommended
Sweet Flag Acorus calamus 3'-4' 1'+ full High Wet to Wet-Mesic June-July Yellow Brown Brown 4-5 Fragrant Garden
White Baneberry / Doll's Eyes ref Actaea pachypoda 1'6"-2'6" 1'-2' part shade Wet-Mesic to Mesic May-June White White berry Fragrant Garden
Red Baneberry out Actaea rubra 1'-2' 1'-2' part shade May-June White August-October Red berry 3-4 Fragrant Garden
Fragrant Hyssop Agastache foeniculum 2'-4' 1'-2' full part Mesic to Dry June-August Purple Violet Lavender leaves Butterfly Bird Bee Wasp Hummingbird 3-5 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Nodding Onion out Allium cernuum 1'-2' 6"-1' full part July-August Pink leaves, shoots, bulbs Bee Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Prairie Onion Allium stellatum 1'-1'4" 4"-8" full part Mesic to Dry July-August Pink leaves, shoots, bulbs Bee 3-5 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Wild Leek out Allium tricoccum 8" 4"-8" part shade Wet-Mesic to Mesic-Dry June-July White leaves, shoots, bulbs Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Prairie Sage Artemisia ludoviciana 2'-3' 1'6"+ full part Medium to Low Mesic to Dry July-September Green 4 Fragrant Garden
Marsh/Red Milkweed Asclepias incarnata 3'-4' 1' full Wet to Mesic July Pink pod Yellow Maroon Purple Butterfly Beetle Bird Bee Wasp Hummingbird Bumblebee 3-5 Fragrant Garden
Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca 2'-6' 1'+ full Medium to Low June-August Pink Yellow Green pod Yellow Butterfly Moth Beetle Bird Bee Wasp Hummingbird Bumblebee Fragrant Garden
Downy Wood Mint out Blephilia ciliata 1' 10"-1'6" full part Mesic to Dry June-July Purple Lavender Bird Bee Hummingbird Bumblebee 4-8 Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Hairy Wood Mint Blephilia hirsuta 1'4"-2'6" 1'+ part shade Wet-Mesic to Mesic June-September Purple White Bird Bee Hummingbird Bumblebee Deer Resistant Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium 2'-4' 1' full Medium Wet-Mesic to Dry July-August Green White Butterfly Bee Fragrant Garden
Joe-Pye Weed Eutrochium maculatum 4'-6' 2' full part Wet to Mesic July Pink Lavender Butterfly Bee 3-5 Fragrant Garden
Sweet Joe-Pye Weed Eutrochium purpureum 4'-6' 2' full part Mesic July-September Pink Lavender Butterfly Bee 3-4 Fragrant Garden
Bee Balm/Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 2'-4' 1'6"+ full part Wet-Mesic to Dry June-August Pink Lavender leaves, flowers Bird Bee Wasp Hummingbird Bumblebee Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Dotted Mint/Spotted Bee Balm Monarda punctata 1'6"-3' 1'+ full part Medium to Low Mesic-Dry to Dry July-September Yellow Maroon Lavender Bird Bee Wasp Hummingbird Bumblebee Ornamental Garden Fragrant Garden Rabbit Resistant
Lion's Foot Prenanthes alba 2'-4' 1'-2' part Wet-Mesic to Mesic-Dry August-October Pink White Lavender Bee Bumblebee Fragrant Garden
Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum virginianum 1'-3' full part July-September Purple White Beetle Bee Wasp Fragrant Garden
Sweet Black-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia subtomentosa 3'-5' 1'-1'6" full part Wet-Mesic to Mesic August-October Yellow Butterfly 4-5 Fragrant Garden
Aromatic Aster Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 1'-2' 1'+ full Low Dry September-October Purple Butterfly 4 Fragrant Garden Groundcover